Friday, February 23, 2007

Show Girls

We did manage to muster the energy to gather for a farewell meal in hip downtown Chelmsford. Debbie turned up some 20 mins before the rest of us, so was on left on her lonesome...tapping her fingers and looking all hopeful at the door... BLIND DATE NIGHTMARE eh?!! Walking in the restaurant provided light relief for the solitary Debbie - hurray, she really does have friends, and wasn't making it up!!

Well we LOVE (not like...LOVE) Emily Adams - a real fun lassy with a sassy preppy and cheap tagline!

Note to self: Order one of those perfectly fitted T-Shirts from her website, to propagate the Peppy & Cheap slogan...

BTW - check out Emily's BLOG and see John aka the LAST STARFIGHTER (Amy 'Lasting Impressions' DH!)

1 comment:

Sam said...

And thank you everyone for a really great day on of those days you never want to end!!

~ Sam Morris