I know this is like the second round of repeats - but having never had the inclination to really watch the luscious locked Laurence in action
(other than on Changing Rooms... and don't remind me of that poor women's front room that looked like a Zebra!) I had not caught this series before. It was therefore a random act of sheer laziness that meant I couldn't be bothered to find the remote to change the channel that led me to discover that the said notable
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen has like a
Somehow I had envisaged the designer to be all size zero and glammed Essex Wife (sorry Essex Wives... but living in the county, I feel I can at least speak from experience ;) But no... lovely Laurence has this stunning wife who is a real ballsy character... fire, flesh and femme fetale. Oooo it made me like him!!
Anyways, I may never happen upon it again - but I liked her spirit... her passion and her laugh. Who knew that they could make clutter look so chic?!! I guess that is a 'designer trick' ;)
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