Monday, December 24, 2007

New Beginnings...

As many of you may know, I have resigned from ScrapGenie. Although I started the company almost 4 years ago, it is time to move on. I have enjoyed my time working with friends (early days... Debbie, Ruth!!) and am thrilled by the new opportunities that I have been offered.

It's been a ride - not always without that sick feeling (rollercoaster style) but a ride nevertheless. I would not change anything (except the hours spent building a company that ultimately did not lead to that mansion and swimming pool!!) It is the way it goes... I did get lovely BasicGrey on tap - so you can't win them all ;)

The SG Design Team has all scattered to the wind...but no doubt will all turn up (I think ScrapBookMate have creamed some !LOL! and some will be staying on with the SG company that continues...and then there is the announcement I will make in the New Year.

I am going to keep the blog - as the name scrapgenie is one created around my kitchen table with about 5 friends, and I love it. I will then keep you posted on what I am up to in the New Year!

Merry Christmas
Becks xxxx

1 comment:

Scrapcomber said...

Becks check your e-mail box at UKS please-Scrapcomber