Anyway, I wanted to bring your attention to a much loved accessory in my tool box (and actually it is all over my tool box courtesy of little 'helping hands'...bless ;)
The SUGAR COATED range from Doodlebug was a massive hit when launched last year - but still some crafters have never had the chance to play and get hooked on these little packs of pure blingy-ness. I make no bones that I am not a girly girl - although am gradually being swayed by my 'all handbags and make-up' offspring (who would wear this stuff in her hair and on her lips if she could get past my barrage of security - I learnt after the little 'helping hands' episode!) I therefore need layouts to reflect this inherent desire to dazzle.
I ADORE the minute sizing - and the fact that for around £12.99 I can collect a range of glitter that will cover all colour bases. I have the Sugar Coated cardstock - and this stuff is leeeeethal. Both in an addictive usage type way, as well as the amount of shimmer I manage to share (it is like a glitter bomb just exploded.) This is the ultimate glitter deal. I love the softness of twinkling H2Os - but heck, this is more glutenous and so full on, that you cannot help but this of Nigella dipping into her fridge last thing at night, and opting for this glorious indulgent glitter over the leaner version...
BUT you just wait until the CRUSHED VELVET hits town... now there is more to talk about!
Later, Becks x
1 comment:
I completely agree with the Sugar Coating mini collection being an essential! I have had mine for a while and am amazed at how much glitter they can fit into such tiddly bottles! The brown (Bon Bon) is my absolute favourite though and the names for each colour are sooooo cute! (Swimming Pool, Limeade, Bumblebee etc)
Han -x-
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